maker works cnc weekend
This is a 2-day intensive (9am–5:30pm Saturday and Sunday) where you learn the ins and outs of CNC operation and get checked out on the: ShopBot CNC Router, Tormach CNC Mill, CNC Plasma Cutter, and CNC Laser Cutter.
Where: 3765 Plaza Dr, Ann Arbor, MI
Price: $499
Your Problem
Our Solution
Do you want to learn CAD, CAM, and CNC but don’t know where to start?
We provide a comprehensive introduction to the CAD-CAM-CNC toolchain, so you can cram weeks of self-learning into two days.
Are you wanting to buy a CNC machine but not sure if it’s the right move for you, or what machine to get?
We offer hands-on training with multiple different CNC machines, so you can make informed purchase decisions down the line.
Are you working laboriously by hand to do woodworking, metalworking, arts/crafts, and more?
We will equip you with the skills necessary to incorporate CNC techniques into your creative work, so you can spend your time coming up with more ideas instead of drilling that same hole over and over again.
Training on our CNC Plasma Cutter
By the end of the weekend, you'll know the basics of the CAD-CAM-CNC toolchain, be able to read and modify G-code programs, and have operated a variety of well-known industry-standard CNC tools.
The instruction at Maker Works comes from decades of experience operating, designing, and teaching in the world of CNC. This is an excellent opportunity for you to launch into CNC operation regardless of experience level.
Day 1
Agenda (9am–5:30pm):
Fusion 360 CAD Class
CNC Mill Class OR CNC Router Class
CNC Laser Class OR CNC Plasma Cutter Class
Lunch, dinner, and a shop tour are included!
Day 2
Agenda (9am–5:30pm):
Fusion 360 CAM Class
G-Code Class
CNC Mill Class OR CNC Router Class
CNC Laser Class OR CNC Plasma Cutter Class
Lunch included!
What have people said about our CNC classes?
What can you expect to leave with on Sunday evening?
Permission to use the four CNC machines with Maker Works membership
A week-long membership to continue your CNC practice on the same machines
Over 100 pages of detailed class notes
Comprehensive knowledge from hands-on classes, including understanding of:
Parametric 3D CAD using Fusion 360
2D and 3D CAM using Fusion 360
Basics of G-code for reading, writing, and modifying
Operation of a vertical CNC mill (Tormach PCNC1100, PathPilot), CNC plasma cutter (LinuxCNC), CNC wood/plastics router (ShopBot), and CNC laser cutter/engraver (Epilog)
Do you have a scheduling inquiry or want a special offer?
💼 Group Discount:
Would you like to bring a group of two or more? We have a 25% discount for you!
📅 Flexible Scheduling:
Are you interested in scheduling a course outside of the agenda? Contact us!
Who should attend?
Beginners in CNC Technology
Receive a comprehensive introduction to CAD, CAM, and CNC operations.
Aspiring CNC Machine Owners
Get hands-on experience before you commit!
Machinists and Fabricators
Expand your skills in milling, plasma cutting, laser engraving, and routing.
Students and Educators
Combine theory and practice to enhance your curriculum.
Who will your instructors be?
What are these tools and why do we think they work?
We offer the same tools that many successful businesses use today, and we’ve spent years tweaking our instruction. Whether you’re an expert looking for a compact weekend to expand your skills, or a beginner ready to take a deep dive, this course is for you.
Artists like Kelly O’Neill [Fusion of Iron and Earth] and Erika Cross have created award winning sculptures using our CNC Plasma Cutter and ShopBot CNC Router. Gravilogic and PicoSpray researched and prototyped their initial products using our Tormach PCNC 1100, while business owners and Quentin Weir [Elderwood Academy] and Gail Winger [GW Stichin Depot] ran their initial production runs on our 50 Watt Epilog Laser Engraver before purchasing their own equipment!
About Maker Works
Opened in September 2011, Maker Works is a 14,000 square-foot makerspace with tools and shops covering metalworking, woodworking, electronics, computing, jewelry, powder coating, and plastics and fabric fabrication. More than 1,300 paid members have joined since 2011, with many additional students and others receiving free or low-cost access. Maker Works serves businesses, hobbyists, craftspeople, and students of many ages. It is a non-profit organization that believes in and uses Lean business practices, and practices open book management.
Getting Here
Maker Works is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, about 25 minutes from the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, and just 2 minutes off I-94. Refer to this map to find us in our industrial park.
While there is a bus stop about 3/4 of a mile from the shop and transportation options to and from the Detroit airport, many people find renting a car at the airport a bit more convenient for getting around the Ann Arbor area.
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor is home to the University of Michigan, a vibrant downtown with plenty of dining and entertainment. Evenings are free for relaxing, or exploring the area. Destination Ann Arbor is a great resource to find activities, food, lodging and more. Speaking of lodging….
There are several hotels and motels near Maker Works including:
Ann Arbor has a wide variety of options for accommodations, and since it is not a very large city, few are more than 10-15 minutes away. Let us know if you are looking for something else.
For more details, email, or call us at 734-222-4911.