Paul came to Maker Works and took all of the wood shop classes in one week. He thought that would be it… until he saw the laser cutter. For the next few weeks, he couldn’t rest until he answered the question — how could he use it on his own projects?
Nearly everyday he came in and used Inkscape to try new things, finding new questions along the way. How do nodes work? What does the pen tool do? Whenever he encountered an obstacle, Maker Works staff nudged him in the right direction. In two weeks, he was able to use the software to translate images of things like butterflies and dragons into perfect-fitting inlays for his projects.
Below are some (in-progress) examples!
Paul’s fretboard before frets, with a dragon inlay made of Kirinite and osage orange wood
Paul’s fretboard after frets, laying on the table saw!
Another in-progress project of Paul’s. What will this become?
Paul’s setup in the wood shop! Working…
Kirinite (the colorful acrylic making up the dragon!)
Osage orange wood, harvested from some woods near Paul
Mexican ebony (Woodcraft in Canton, MI)
JB weld epoxy (Home Depot) mixed with sawdust