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Fix-It Friday (third Friday of every month)

Looking for the Toy Adaptation options? Please go here

Bring your mask and well-worn items that could use a tune up, and we'll take a look at them! 

Or, make someone else's day by volunteering at Fix-It Friday and repairing their items.

Fix-It Friday:
Think of this as the last chance before you get rid of something; Free, but no Guarantee.

We will:
- try to diagnose what is wrong
- tell you if we think we may be able to fix it today
- tell you if you'll need a part, and where you might be able to get it
- try to fix it to the best of our ability, but in the limited time we have

However, we may not be able to fix it. Many products are not designed to be fixed, and just opening them up may damage them. Furthermore, we may not have someone on hand with the expertise to do a proper repair. Also, it may require a special part, tools, information, or materials to repair, or it may just require more time than we have.

We may end up damaging your item even more. Please let the repairer know how comfortable you are at each stage of diagnosis and repair.

Items that are often easier to repair: lamps, types of toys, broken wires, things that need epoxy/wood glue

Items that are often very difficult to repair: consumer electronics such as CD/Cassette boom boxes, TVs, radios, CD players, VCRs, and DVD players