Join Cameron Knox, our Maker in Residence, for a free presentation on how to set up lighting when making your own films! This hour-long talk will be held in the conference room at Maker Works. Bring a friend, your curiosities, and an eagerness to learn something new!
Cameron’s Artist Statement:
"I am a local who has been a part of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, North America’s longest-standing experimental film festival, for the past 11 years. I have been involved with the festival as a screener, committee member, and an ever-enthusiastic audience member. My project at Maker Works, a 60 second short-film, aims to explore the magnitude and brevity of the human gene through a novel animation style made possible by the plethora of tools available at Maker Works.
While I am interested in completing the film, I’m mainly looking forward to showing members the process of making a film at Maker Works. If you see me around, please feel free to say hi!"