See What’s Happening at Maker Works!

Steps to get started at Ann Arbor’s largest nonprofit makerspace / hackerspace / tech shop / DIY workspace:

Drop in any time for a free guided tour. Click here to sign up ahead of time and get a 25% discount code on your first class!

Take the classes that you need (membership not required) in order to safely operate our tools — click here to see our calendar of classes for the next 2 months!

Once you’re trained on tools, you need membership in order to use them on your own. Click here to see our membership options and find the one that best suits your needs!

Maker Works is here to help you bring your ideas to life.

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Maker Works was established in 2011 to bring a focus back to making things. Under one roof, we have:

  • a great selection of tools for wood, metal, textiles, plastic, jewelry, and electronics

    • includes industrial-grade machines like laser cutters, mills, lathes, welders, and more

  • instruction on the safe and efficient use of these tools

  • space to make things

  • a welcoming community of interesting, creative people making things

Maker Works is a place to actively make your future.

What KIND of maker are you?

the Learner

I'm a student or lifelong learner. I will likely take a lot of classes, across domains—I might even take every single class! I may not use every machine. My goal is more about learning, rather than making.

the Object Maker

I'm object oriented, interested in the thing I want to make. I'm particularly interested in the fastest/least expensive way to make what I want.

the Hobbyist

I make things as a hobby. I have free time and money and I spend them pursuing this hobby. I know a lot about my hobby and I enjoy sharing what I know with others.


the Group

I organize a group of people that want to do an activity that furthers our mission. I am always excited, but I don't have an infinite budget, so I'm looking for a lot of bang for the buck. The more you can make the experience "turn-key" the better.

the Patron

I have a special object that I would like to have made or repaired for me. I don't have the time to learn how to make or repair the item myself. I am very pleased to give this work to a local professional, especially if I can have it made exactly the way I want or need it.

the Entrepreneur

I use my time at the shop to make things that make me money. The dependability and availability of the equipment is very important to me.


Want to keep up with Maker Works? See our newsletter!

Our Hours

Monday – Thursday: 1 PM – 9 PM

Friday: 9 AM – 6 PM

Saturday & Sunday: 10 AM – 4 PM


EIN: 85-3614601

Our Location

3765 Plaza Dr, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Contact Us

(734) 222-4911